Miga Cash

Best Platform To Earn Online

one of the highest paying faucets with multiple earning options

Happy users 65135
withdraws 135227
Days online 244
Total paid 4526.39$ USD


Megaclaimer faucet offers multiple earning options for user to choose and earn from including ptc ads, offerwalls, shortlinks and more with a very a high payout rates compared to other faucets.


high paying faucet with low timer.

Ptc ads

Earn by viewing and surfing ptc ads.


Complete easy to pass shortlinks.

Read articles

Read intersting articles and at the same time earn money.

Referral system

refer your friends and earn 10% of your referral ernings.

Contests with high reward

earn actively on our faucet and earn high rewards.


For advertisers

Geo targeting feature

Target any audience you want with our advanced geo targeting system.

Cryptocurrency audience

You can target crypto users with high rate conversion.

Easy and flexible management.

You can easily manage, edit and launch your ads & get a detailed statistics about the traffic you get.


here you will find answers for the most frequently asked questions by users regarding about our site.

01 How to start earning?

it is simple just Sign up on our site and verify your email, then start earning from different options we have offered.

02 What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

You are requuired to earn only 0.01$ to withdraw from our site.

03 What are the payment methods available?

We pay our user with FaucetPay, payeer, cwallet and Direct withdraw to your preferred wallet.

04 Are multiple account allowed?

Multiple accounts are strictly forbidden and may result in banning of the user.

05 Are vpn/proxy allowed?

using Vpn/proxy is not allowed and may result in permanent banning of an account.